Thursday, March 5, 2020

2018 Career Interest Survey Gen Z Preferences Will Allow Introverts to Thrive in New Workplace Culture - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 2018 Career Interest Survey Gen Z Preferences Will Allow Introverts to Thrive in New Workplace Culture - Introvert Whisperer 2018 Career Interest Survey: Gen Z Preferences Will Allow Introverts to Thrive in New Workplace Culture Introverts are an asset to any workplace, with their tendency to observe others and listen more intently to their colleagues, employers, and employees. However, sometimes introversion can make working with others more taxing, especially when workplace culture has historically celebrated extroversion. In the past, it seemed extroverts were rewarded most in work culture, especially when society’s idea of leadership meant being loud, opinionated, and ‘charismatic’. However, the tides have changed, especially since the use of technology has allowed people to connect in new ways and applauded the skills of people who would rather focus on their own computer most of the work day than spend every hour in face-to-face meetings. Good news! As it turns out, Generation Z’s preferences as the incoming workforce point to a more comfortable world for the introvert. 2018 Career Interest Survey The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) offers current research on Generation Z (the generation born between 1996 and 2004) in its 2018 Career Interest Survey. NSHSS has partnered with Hanover Research to produce this study every year since 2015 and gauge the preferences of the most recent incoming workforce. 2018’s study reflects the preferences of over 16,000 ethnically diverse high school and college-aged individuals, representing all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories of Guam, American Samoa, Micronesia, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Though the study is focused on Gen Z individuals specifically, the preferences found within the study point to a more introvert-friendly workplace culture for all. Meaningful Careers According to the survey, most Gen Z individuals are seeking careers that are not just lucrative but also meaningful. This group of young people demonstrates an interest in social justice and a high-level awareness of issues affecting equality and diversity. An incoming civic-minded workforce will inevitably lead to a fairer and more sensitive workplace based on all kinds of differences between individuals, from race, gender, and sexual orientation to personality traits like introversion and high sensitivity. The more aware the incoming workforce becomes, the more aware employers will have to become in turn to entice them. Work/Life Balance Generation Z preferences demonstrate a commitment to work/life balance and a fulfilling workplace. With the majority of incoming employees expecting fair benefits and vacation time built into their employment plan, employers will need to adapt the culture of their companies if they have not already. Since Generation Z employees report that they are willing to leave a job if it does not meet their standards, employers risk their employees quitting too frequently if they do not listen to these preferences. Though current employees and leaders are already working toward better work/life balance in many circumstances, sometimes a shift in workplace culture is easier to make when new employees come in with their own set of expectations. Introverts can band together with newer employees to support a balanced and enjoyable culture. Moreover, introverted leaders will have the opportunity to tailor their workplace and leadership style to a group committed to enjoying life while also working hard. Focus on STEM-Related Fields Though of course introverts have varying interests and career preferences, the best careers for introverts often allow for less face-to-face time, more solitary work time, and certainly fewer situations in which leading a meeting becomes absolutely necessary. With technology at the forefront of today’s society, introverts are in luck. As the NSHSS 2018 Career Interest Survey demonstrates, members of Generation Z are being encouraged more and more to enter STEM-related fields like engineering and the sciences, and the majority already want to enter the medical or health-related fields. Although all careers will require interaction with others, careers in the sciences and technology-based fields like computer programming allow for more time spent working independently, which will allow introverts time to recharge between meetings. For the rest of the workforce, the trend toward STEM-related jobs suggests that technology is ushering in a type of workplace that promotes high-level focus and independent work just as much as face-to-face interaction. ______ So introverted employees, take heart. A new group will be entering the workforce in the coming years to steer the trend toward a more balanced, meaningful, sensitive, and independent workplace. If your workplace is already like that great! If not, perhaps these trends might come to your office along with some of the Gen Z employees. Author bio: Chris is a content writing and marketing specialist for the National Society of High School Scholars (more simply known as “NSHSS”), an academic honor society committed to supporting young academics on their journey to college and beyond as they prepare to become the leaders of tomorrow. Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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